Author(s): Glass, Rodge,
Binding: Hardback,
Date of Publication: 05/09/2024,
Pagination: ,
Series: N/A,
Imprint: Taproot Press,
Published By: Taproot Press,
Book Classification: Memoirs,
Dimensions: 138 x 207 x 24
ISBN13/EAN/SKU: 9781739207793
Binding: Hardback,
Date of Publication: 05/09/2024,
Pagination: ,
Series: N/A,
Imprint: Taproot Press,
Published By: Taproot Press,
Book Classification: Memoirs,
Dimensions: 138 x 207 x 24
ISBN13/EAN/SKU: 9781739207793
Joshua dies on his birthday. Joshua dies the day he is born.
Joshua lives for three hours. Joshua is alive.
Rodge Glass's nephew Joshua died the same day he was born, from a blood condition they both share.
This book charts the five years around Joshua's life and death to tell the story of Rodge's attempts to make sense of this loss. Having spent a lifetime using reading and writing to both hide from and face the world, Joshua in the Sky serves as a kind of reckoning, asking the questions: whose life deserves to be remembered? And how?