Author(s): Young, Tasy,
Binding: Hardback,
Date of Publication: 06/11/2023,
Pagination: 60 pages, Full colour interior,
Series: N/A,
Imprint: Starfish Bay Children's Books,
Published By: Starfish Bay Children's Books,
Book Classification: Children's, young adult & educational,
Dimensions: 287 x 288 x 12
ISBN13/EAN/SKU: 9781760361662
Binding: Hardback,
Date of Publication: 06/11/2023,
Pagination: 60 pages, Full colour interior,
Series: N/A,
Imprint: Starfish Bay Children's Books,
Published By: Starfish Bay Children's Books,
Book Classification: Children's, young adult & educational,
Dimensions: 287 x 288 x 12
ISBN13/EAN/SKU: 9781760361662
In this magnificently illustrated wordless picture book, a boy sees a lost kite and goes on a fantastical journey to find it, meeting a cast of curious and quirky characters on the way. This beautiful textless journey will allow readers to use their imagination to decipher and explore the story.